Data Representation
Represent complex data on a Heat Map
Simple application to visualize road accidents in the city of Lille. I recovered an open source database of past road accidents with conditions.
Accident Database :
Table | Data Example |
Cause | Intersection, Passing, Parking, Drunkenness… |
Date | 1985-01-07 18:10:00, 1999-10-10 17:10:00, 1998-02-25 06:55:00… |
Condition | Moist, Wet, Freezing, Snow cover, Muddy Fat… |
Involved | Bicycle, Bus, Light car, truck, Pedestrian minus 10 years… |
Weather | Fair weather, Heavy rain, Snow, Strong storm wind, Mist… |
Location | Latitude (10430), Longitude(10430)… |
Brightness | Half day, Light night, Insufficient night light, Night without lighting… |
Risk | Normal, Dangerous, Very Dangerous… |
Involvement | Human, Two wheels, Vehicle, Other reason… |
I connect to the database using the python library named pymysql
import pymysql
conn = pymysql.connect(host="localhost",
port=3306, user="root",
cursor = conn.cursor()
In the first menu we find a brief description with two buttons, the user can choose a static or dynamic map. In the second menu the user chooses the weather, brightness and the month of the year of the accidents he wants to consult
Once the parameters are validated, it is executed in the database and a dataframe (pandas library) is loaded with the result of the query, that is to say all the accidents corresponding to the parameters chosen
SELECT MLieu.x,MLieu.y,(nb_morts*10+nb_blesses_graves*5+nb_blesses_legers) AS gravite
FROM MAccident
JOIN MLieu ON MLieu.lieu_id=MAccident.lieu_id
JOIN MLuminosite ON MAccident.lum_id=MLuminosite.code
JOIN MIntemperie ON MIntemperie.code=MAccident.intemp_id
JOIN MDate ON MDate.date_id=MAccident.date_id
WHERE MLuminosite.libelle_luminosite=:luminosite
AND MIntemperie.libelle=:libelle
AND MONTH(MDate.DateFormatStandard)=:month;
The severity of the accident is weighted by the number of serious injuries and fatalities.
Each accident is represented by a heat point which is more or less important depending on the severity
These heat points are placed on a layer according to their coordinates. The city map in the background is positioned in the same coordinate as the heat layer
Here is the Result
Evolution of accidents over the months
Zoom in on an accident